Nov 16, 2020

Released new ArmCAD 6 - Build 6326.
This Build contains several minor fixes and the most important are: significantly accelerated opening of the dialog for arbitrary and standard bars, correction of the bar sorting procedure in the bars position database by length criterion, correction of the sorting procedure of assigning meshes cutting indexes..
Since this Build, ArmCAD 6 is able to run under BricsCAD v21.
Here is the complete list of changes in this Build:
* Significantly accelerated opening of the dialog for arbitrary and standard bars. The slowdown was caused by filling the list with vacant position numbers (up to 10 thousand). Now the list is only partially filled, at the end the option "More ..." is set to load other free numbers by positions
* correction of the bar sorting procedure in the bar position database according to the length criterion. Cases that the drawing was drawn in the scale 1ACU = 1mm could lead to a situation which lead to incorestly sorted bars positions.
* correction of the procedure of generating the meshes cutting index. The order in which the cutting index is generated now depends on the ordinal numbers of the meshes positions.
* the cross-sectional label (type "Arbitrary") was not affected by the coefficient of additional elevation scaling
* correction of an error that could have affected the misalignment of the specifier labels (if it was designed to be shown in two lines)
* Improved control of the correctness of data in the drawing database and improved removal of incorrect connections between ArmCAD‘s entities.
Apr 08, 2020

ArmCAD 6 compatible with AutoCAD 2021 has been released.
New branch is marked as "A21" and is available in 64-bit release only.
Jan 28, 2020

ArmCAD 6 compatible with BricsCAD v20 has been released.
New branch is marked as "B20" and is available in 64-bit release only.
Jun 12, 2019

Released new ArmCAD 6 - Build 6321.
This build contains several fixes and improvements related with cutting plans (bars and meshes) and with program installation.
May 16, 2019

ArmCAD 6 compatible with AutoCAD 2020 has been released.
Existing branch "A19" now supports both AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD 2020.
Mar 04, 2019

Released new ArmCAD 6 - Build 6318.
Since this Build, program ArmCAD 6 is compatible with BricsCAD v19. This Build contains several minor bugfixes. There was no change in file format compared to previous Build
Sep 20, 2018

Released new ArmCAD 6 - Build 6317.
Since this Build, program ArmCAD 6 is compatible with AutoCAD 2019. The most important new features in this Build are – export of bars specification to BVBS format, option for adjusting readability convention of texts and harmonization of order in mesh recapitulation and cutting plan with order in mesh types database New branch of ArmCAD 6 compatible with AutoCAD 2019 is marked as "A19" and is available in 64-bit release only. Except those new features, new build contains several fixes and optimizations. File format stays unchanged.
Dec 01, 2017

ArmCAD 6 compatible with BricsCAD v18 has been released.
New branch is marked as "B18" and is available in 64-bit release only.
Jul 03, 2017

ArmCAD 6 compatible with AutoCAD 2018 has been released.
New branch is marked as "A18" and is available in 64-bit release only.
Nov 09, 2016

Released new ArmCAD 6 - Build 6312.
Since this Build, program ArmCAD 6 is compatible with AutoCAD 2017 and BricsCAD v17. ArmCAD6 for AutoCAD 2017 and for BricsCAD v17 are released as 64-bit version, only. This Build contains several minor bugfixes. There was no change in file format compared to previous Build